Happy Club Open Mic Rules
Registration for the Wednesday Open Mic opens at 6 PM on Monday. Register here.
We have 10 slots available each open mic, allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Waiting List
If the slots are fully booked, you can join the waiting list by messaging us on our Instagram page. You will be called on stage if a performer is unable to attend.
If you are unable to perform, please inform us at least 3 hours before the event.
Non-transferable Slots
Slots are non-transferable and will automatically be allocated to the waiting list if canceled.
Performance Duration
Each performer must perform for a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes.
Time Limit
After 5 minutes, a light will flash. You have 30 seconds to wrap up your performance and leave the stage.
Since this is a family restaurant, the use of bad language is not allowed. However, double-meaning jokes are allowed.
Performance Types
You can perform stand-up comedy, magic, poetry, or storytelling. Please stick to the category you selected during registration.
Post-Performance Etiquette
Please do not leave the venue after your performance is over. Be patient and watch other performers to support each other.
Performance Video
Your performance video will be sent to the email address you used during registration. Please ensure the email is correct.
Failure to follow these rules will result in a ban from registering for the next open mic.